The Lithuanian Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist was established in 1998. The professional organization of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist has been actively for more than 40 years ago. Â At the moment, the Society unites more than 80 members throughout the country.
The main goals of the Lithuanian Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist are:
To unite child and adolescent psychiatrists, assist in defending their rights and support their professional training.
To seek a multi-institutional approach to child and adolescents‘ mental health, thus requiring a complex solution of mental health problems.
To implement the above goals, the Society pursues the following activities:
- Organizes various methodological, training and scientific events in order to seek solutions to child and adolescent mental health problems
- Participates in the development of the child and adolescent mental health system.
- Seeks early and effective diagnosis, remedy and prevention of mental disorders.
- Submits recommendations to the Ministry of Health and other institutions.
- Organizes publishing of specialized information material.
- Participates in the activities of international child and adolescents psychiatrist organization
- Co-operates with related specialist organization.
The Lithuanian Society of Child and Adolescent psychiatrists is currently a member of ESCAP, IACAPAP, UEMS section for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and the NGO. Active participation in international organizations provides opportunities to widen and improve professional and organizational activities as well as share best practice with the colleague in other counties.
Our society is always open to cooperation with other organizations working in the field of child and adolescent mental health. If you interested in collaboration, please contact us.
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